3,936 research outputs found

    Between order and disorder: a 'weak law' on recent electoral behavior among urban voters?

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    A new viewpoint on electoral involvement is proposed from the study of the statistics of the proportions of abstentionists, blank and null, and votes according to list of choices, in a large number of national elections in different countries. Considering 11 countries without compulsory voting (Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Spain and Switzerland), a stylized fact emerges for the most populated cities when one computes the entropy associated to the three ratios, which we call the entropy of civic involvement of the electorate. The distribution of this entropy (over all elections and countries) appears to be sharply peaked near a common value. This almost common value is typically shared since the 1970's by electorates of the most populated municipalities, and this despite the wide disparities between voting systems and types of elections. Performing different statistical analyses, we notably show that this stylized fact reveals particular correlations between the blank/null votes and abstentionists ratios. We suggest that the existence of this hidden regularity, which we propose to coin as a `weak law on recent electoral behavior among urban voters', reveals an emerging collective behavioral norm characteristic of urban citizen voting behavior in modern democracies. Analyzing exceptions to the rule provide insights into the conditions under which this normative behavior can be expected to occur.Comment: Version 1: main text 19 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables; Supporting Information: 19 pages. Version 2: minor correction

    Fuzzy spheres from inequivalent coherent states quantizations

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    We present a new procedure which allows a coherent state (CS) quantization of any set with a measure. It is manifest through the replacement of classical observables by CS quantum observables, which acts on a Hilbert space of prescribed dimension NN. The algebra of CS quantum observables has the finite dimension N2N^2. The application to the 2-sphere provides a family of inequivalent CS quantizations, based on the spin spherical harmonics (the CS quantization from usual spherical harmonics appears to give a trivial issue for the cartesian coordinates). We compare these CS quantizations to the usual (Madore) construction of the fuzzy sphere. The difference allows us to consider our procedures as the constructions of new type of fuzzy spheres. The very general character of our method suggests applications to construct fuzzy versions of a variety of sets.Comment: 20 page

    Detection mechanism in highly sensitive ZnO nanowires network gas sensors

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    Metal-oxide nanowires are showing a great interest in the domain of gas sensing due to their large response even at a low temperature, enabling low-power gas sensors. However their response is still not fully understood, and mainly restricted to the linear response regime, which limits the design of appropriate sensors for specific applications. Here we analyse the non-linear response of a sensor based on ZnO nanowires network, both as a function of the device geometry and as a response to oxygen exposure. Using an appropriate model, we disentangle the contribution of the nanowire resistance and of the junctions between nanowires in the network. The applied model shows a very good consistency with the experimental data, allowing us to demonstrate that the response to oxygen at room temperature is dominated by the barrier potential at low bias voltage, and that the nanowire resistance starts to play a role at higher bias voltage. This analysis allows us to find the appropriate device geometry and working point in order to optimize the sensitivity. Such analysis is important for providing design rules, not only for sensing devices, but also for applications in electronics and opto-electronics using nanostructures networks with different materials and geometries

    Municipalités de tous pays, unissez vous ! L'Union Internationale des Villes ou l'Internationale municipale (1913-1940)

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    article écrit avec Renaud Payre, publié en italienInternational audienceNotre connaissance sur le mouvement municipaliste international est encore lacunaire. Notre recherche cherche à reconstituer une véritable nébuleuse et souhaite être attentive aux nombreux liens noués autour de cette entreprise, liens entre individus, entre espaces, entre structures. Des pistes sont encore à suivre. Ce texte propose donc, avant tout, d'offrir des éléments de cadrage et des premières hypothèses sur les enjeux politiques et sociaux poursuivis par les intermunicipalistes de l'entre-deux-guerres. Il s'agit de s'intéresser à un moment historique - moment où l'urbanisation de la société, où l'image de la "ville tentaculaire" s'impose aux édiles - présentant des alternatives. Ces débats concernent le niveau d'agrégation politique, l'image de l'action politique municipale ou encore la figure de l'édile. Il est possible d'entrer dans ces débats en suivant l'un des protagonistes ; pour le dire autrement, l'Union Internationale des Villes est une des réponses politiques possibles au défi de l'urbanisation des sociétés occidentales. Il reste, alors, à analyser ce possible, ses conditions d'énonciation, sa mise en visibilité. L'UIV est toujours active aujourd'hui et organise encore la vie inter-municipale depuis ses locaux de La Haye. Nous avons choisi ici de nous concentrer sur les premières décennies de son existence, d'analyser ses activités, ses réseaux, sa logistique afin de saisir "l'Internationale Municipale" dans une de ses manifestations

    Un guide du routard de la Grande-Bretagne au début du XVIIe siècle selon John Taylor, le poète batelier

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    John Taylor (1580-1653), aubergiste, poète et batelier sur la Tamise, effectua plusieurs voyages en Grande-Bretagne dont il publia les récits. Il y signale la qualité des hôtels, les difficultés du trajet, et rédige les premiers indicateurs sur les horaires des diligences. Il suggéra des améliorations quant aux conditions de navigation sur les rivières du royaume et fit partie d’une «commission ad hoc» créée par Charles Ier